Numerous studies have extensively researched the impacts of Light Water (Deuterium Depleted Water – DDW), consistently yielding favorable results across diverse health areas. These investigations have revealed promising outcomes, including potential effects on aging deceleration, cancer treatment / cure, metabolic enhancement, diabetes treatment, cognitive improvement for reducing depression, cardiovascular health enhancement, heightened energy levels, and overall improvement in well-being.

Selecting a DDW product depends on various factors, including your age, the severity and duration of any existing diseases, among others. It’s crucial for the deuterium level in a healthy individual’s body to be below 120 ppm-D, and for those with chronic conditions, it should be even lower to observe significant effects. Light Water therapy involves gradually reducing the deuterium content in the body over multiple stages, as the body needs time to adapt to this change. Once the deuterium content reaches the required levels, further optimization of the therapy is recommended.


There are no reported side effects associated with Light Water. It’s renowned for its purity, devoid of any impurities. Furthermore, consuming this water is believed to enhance the functional activity of cells, organs, and various bodily systems.

Light Water is characterized by its absence of distinct taste and impurities, resembling re-mineralized drinking water. 

Similar to standard drinking water, Light Water can be consumed without any medical restrictions. However, it’s advisable to optimize your daily intake of Light Water to maximize its effects. Additionally, monitoring improvements in your health may allow for gradual reduction of existing medications.

Certainly! Light Water is suitable for consumption by individuals of all ages, genders, and medical backgrounds, as it poses no known health risks.

Drinking Light Water (with  reduced deuterium levels of 100 / 75 / 50 / 25 ppm-D) should replace your usual intake of regular drinking water for optimal benefits. Typically, the daily water consumption guideline falls within 1.5 to 3 liters.

For individuals with moderate diseases like diabetes, high blood pressure, or obesity, experiencing the benefits of Light Water therapy typically occurs within 15 – 45 days. These benefits may include improvements in sugar levels, resting blood pressure, metabolism, fatigue levels, and energy levels. It’s important to document these changes and consult with your doctor to potentially reduce medication dosage gradually as deuterium levels decrease in your body. However, in cases of chronic diseases with multiple organ damage, careful monitoring by a knowledgeable family doctor or physician is essential due to potentially enhanced drug effects.

After undergoing Light Water therapy, maintaining reduced deuterium (D) levels in your body is crucial for well-being. Consuming 2-3 liters daily of 50 ppm-D Light Water for 30-60 days can reduce to D levels of 100 ppm in your body, resulting in benefits like higher energy, reduced fatigue, and improved overall health. However, reverting to regular drinking water with 155 ppm-D will cause D levels to increase again. To optimize Light Water therapy, you need to drink at least 100 ppm-D Light Water (equivalent to reduced Deuterium levels of 125 ppm-D  in the body) for longevity and disease prevention. Disease recurrence depends on various factors like pollution exposure and stress. Finding your optimal D levels and continuing therapy is advised, adjusting as you age.

The human body’s deuterium (D) levels typically range from 145 to 150 PPM in fluid samples such as blood plasma, urine, saliva, or condensed vapors of exhaled air. However, detecting these levels requires specialized isotope analyzers, which are expensive and often imported. We offer testing services to our customers for Rs. 5,000 plus GST. In accordance with Indian regulations, D levels can only be assessed using urine samples.

Light Water purification mirrors natural water purification processes, involving evaporation, condensation, and rain precipitation over millennia, without the use of any chemicals. To adhere to standard guidelines, essential minerals like magnesium, calcium, and potassium are reintroduced into the Light Water, post-purification. In all drinking waters, three hydrogen isotopes are present: protium, deuterium, and tritium. Tritium, the only slightly radioactive stable hydrogen isotope, exists in minuscule amounts (1/50,00,000) in all drinking waters, while deuterium is non-radioactive.


If you have moderate diseases, consulting your doctor before starting Light Water therapy may not be necessary. However, it’s advisable to keep your doctor informed about your experience with the therapy, especially since Light Water therapy is relatively new in the medical field. Your doctor may not be familiar with the concepts of ‘Quantum Nutrition’, so sharing your experiences can help them understand the Light Water therapy better.

For moderate diseases such as diabetes, high blood pressure, or obesity, you may start noticing positive effects within 15-45 days of starting the therapy. These effects may include improvements in sugar levels, reduced resting blood pressure, decreased obesity due to improved metabolism, reduced fatigue, and increased energy levels. It’s important to document these changes and discuss them with your doctor, who may consider reducing your medication accordingly.

As your body’s deuterium levels continue to decrease over time, from 150 ppm to 140 ppm to 130 ppm and so on, there may be a need to gradually reduce your medication. However, it’s essential to monitor various aspects of your health, including body weight, blood sugar levels, blood pressure, electrolyte levels, and cholesterol levels. Your doctor can help you manage these changes and adjust your medication accordingly.

In cases of chronic diseases with multiple organ damage, where you may be consulting several specialists and taking multiple medications, it’s crucial to closely monitor your Deuterium Depletion process. Your family doctor or physician, who is familiar with your medical history and the potential interactions between your medications, should oversee this process to ensure your safety and well-being.

Yes, it’s possible to strengthen your immunity against bacteria and viruses through 100 ppm-D Light Water therapy. The underlying principle remains consistent: Light Water enhances immunity against various infections, whether they stem from visible sources such as air and water pollution, food adulteration, radiation, or invisible sources like bacterial, viral, fungal, or microbial attacks.

It’s worth noting that heavy isotopes of water, separated from ordinary water, are utilized in laboratories for the rapid and stable growth of viruses to culture them for vaccine production. In heavy water, most strains of viruses can multiply exponentially, with one virus potentially increasing to thousands, millions, or even trillions within a short period. This demonstrates the effectiveness of Light Water in fortifying the body’s defenses against diseases and infections.

If you’re overweight, Light Water therapy can potentially aid in weight reduction. When your body mass index (BMI) exceeds 25 kg/m², you’re considered overweight, and if it’s over 30, you’re classified as obese. Recent studies suggest that obesity may be linked to brain function, particularly delayed signals that regulate eating habits, rather than simply an inability to control diet—a condition increasingly prevalent in modern society.

The benefits of Light Water therapy may include:

  1. Natural Weight Loss: Engaging in 100 ppm-D Light Water therapy can lead to natural weight loss by enhancing the body’s metabolic processes.

  2. Enhanced Weight Loss with Lifestyle Changes: Complementing the therapy with dietary adjustments and exercise can further facilitate weight loss. The heightened energy levels experienced during the therapy can significantly improve your capacity to engage in regular exercise and adhere to a balanced diet without experiencing fatigue.

It’s important to note that while Light Water therapy may contribute to weight loss, combining it with lifestyle modifications such as a healthy diet and regular exercise can maximize its effectiveness in achieving your weight loss goals.

Individuals with diabetes often experience fatigue and lack of energy due to the inefficient conversion of glucose into energy. Managing the disease by keeping the glycemic index below 7 can be challenging and may result in constant tiredness. Conversely, maintaining the glycemic index below 8 may provide some energy, but it comes with the risk of organ damage due to elevated glucose levels in the body.

Light Water therapy offers a potential solution by providing the necessary energy to effectively manage diabetes while maintaining a glycemic index below 7. By incorporating Light Water therapy into your diabetes management regime, you can access the energy needed to control the disease and improve your overall well-being.

High blood pressure, or hypertension, often results from narrowed blood vessels due to factors such as triglyceride accumulation / calcification. This narrowing increases the pressure required to circulate blood throughout the body. Light Water therapy can address this by enhancing fat and also calcium metabolism, thereby reducing triglyceride / plaque buildup. Research indicates that Light Water therapy has the potential to lower both systolic and diastolic blood pressure in individuals with hypertension.

However, patients with hypertension should exercise caution during this therapy, as their blood pressure medication may become more effective. It’s essential to closely monitor blood pressure levels for any variations. Patients should communicate with their doctor about adjusting or reducing their medication, especially if they remember specific tablets that were effective in the initial stages of their condition.

High blood pressure was previously attributed solely to stress, but it can also occur in individuals leading stress-free retired lives. Light Water therapy offers metabolic improvements and enhances mental health, contributing to reduced blood pressure levels during the treatment period.

Light Water therapy could potentially offer benefits for individuals who have undergone angioplasty. Angioplasty aims to alleviate blockages in heart vessels, often caused by calcification. Patients with coronary heart disease often continue taking blood thinners post-procedure. Light Water therapy has shown promise in improving metabolism, reducing triglyceride accumulation, and enhancing ejection fractions. These effects can bring significant benefits for heart patients, potentially aiding in their recovery and overall cardiovascular health. However, it’s crucial for individuals to consult with their healthcare provider to determine the level of Light Water therapy in their specific case and to ensure that it complements their existing treatment plan.

In 2014, a group of scientists from reputed global universities, including Oxford, published a crucial study about Light Water therapy. They found a strong connection between the amount of  deuterium in the drinking water and mental health. 

One big benefit of Light Water therapy is how it makes people feel mentally better. This is really important because more and more people, especially young ones, are struggling with mental health. Over the last 50 years, the amount of deuterium in our drinking water has gone up from 140 to 155 parts per million (ppm-D). This increase is the reason why more people are facing physical and mental health problems.

So, using Light Water therapy to lower deuterium levels could be a great help in improving mental health and making everyone feel better. It’s important that we start paying attention to this and take steps to make sure our drinking water is as healthy as possible.

Yes, Liver issues often stem from metabolic disorders, and Light Water has shown substantial positive impacts on these conditions.

While there isn’t dedicated research on Light Water’s effects on kidney problems, it’s observed that kidney stones, specifically calcium oxalates, dissolve within 30 days with regular consumption of Light Water, and their formation can be hindered. This underscores the relevance of Light Water therapy for kidney diseases, leveraging the same metabolic disorder theory that applies to other conditions.

Comparing alkaline water therapy and Light Water therapy, it’s essential to consider the underlying science and potential benefits for overall health.

A 70-year-old man may have encountered approximately 15 kilograms of deuterium in his lifetime through water consumption, which can negatively impact cellular health. Given that about 7 grams of deuterium oxides are stored in his cells, it’s evident that deuterium levels can have significant consequences.  For example, the energy released from 1 gram of deuterium during nuclear fusion is equivalent to burning  2,000 litres of petrol.  Thus, excessive deuterium intake is not well-suited for the human body’s design.

Regarding alkaline water therapy, studies indicate that the alkalinity derived from added minerals like calcium and magnesium can be effective. However, alkaline water produced through ionization, as commonly promoted in India, may not offer the same benefits. Recent research in the USA suggests that higher pH levels resulting from water ionization have no discernible positive effects on the body.

In contrast, Light Water therapy focuses on reducing deuterium levels in water, which can have significant benefits for cellular health and overall well-being. By minimizing deuterium intake, Light Water therapy support metabolic function and cellular integrity, offering a more targeted approach to improving health outcomes.

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